Dave Cross


Web Development and CI/CD Engineer · Author / Publisher · Digital Mentor

View the Project on GitHub davorg/davecross.co.uk


I’ve written a few books over the last few yearsdecades.

Digital Woodland ABCs

Digital Woodland ABCs

[Clapham Technical Press, Jun 2024]

My second children’s book. A children’s rhyming ABC where forest animals take your child through some digital terminology.

GitHub Actions Essentials

GitHub Actions Essentials

[Clapham Technical Press, Apr 2023]

Moving away from Perl, I’ve become fascinated by what you can do with GitHub Actions. And this book is a brain-dump of everything I’ve learned in this area over the last few years.

George and the Smart Home

George and the Smart Home

[Self-published, Mar 2022]

And now for something completely different. I wrote a children’s book. George lives in a smart home, but nothing works for him. The book traces his adventures as he works out how to control the smart speakers in his home.

The Best of Perl Hacks

The Best of Perl Hacks

[Perl School, Apr 2020]

I’ve been writing a blog about Perl programming over at Perl Hacks for years. During the Covid lockdown, I collected my favourite posts into an eBook.

Perl Taster

Perl Taster

[Perl School, Nov 2017]

A very basic introduction to programming in Perl. The subtitle is “Your First Two Hours With Perl” - and that pretty much sums it up.

Eighteen Classic Albums

Eighteen Classic Albums

[Self-published, Nov 2015]

Something a bit different. Many years ago, I was in a music club (like a reading group - but listening to music). We listened to a number of “classic” albums and shared our opinions with each other. I collected my thoughts and shared them in an eBook.

Perl Template Toolkit

Perl Template Toolkit

[O’Reilly, Dec 2003]

I was one of three authors on the only book about Perl’s defacto standard templating engine. It’s almost twenty years old, but still holds up pretty well.

Data Munging with Perl

Data Munging With Perl

[Manning, Jan 2001]

An ancient book about data manipulation with Perl. Possibly the first technical book with “munging” in the title.

It’s out of print now, but you can download a PDF from datamungingwithperl.com.


I’m the publisher at Perl School a boutique publishing house that publishing books about Perl programming.

I’m in the process of extending that idea to Clapham Technical Press which will do the same thing for the wider technical community.