Dave Cross


Web Development and CI/CD Engineer · Author / Publisher · Digital Mentor

View the Project on GitHub davorg/davecross.co.uk


This page has a list of projects that I’ve written that you may of heard of.


TwittElection is a site that wakes up whenever there is a general election in the UK. We build a Twitter list for every parliamentary constituency which includes the Twitter account of every candidate in that constituency.

Line of Succession

Line of Succession is a site that will show you the first thirty names in the line of succession to the British throne on any date in the last 180 years.

Perl School / Clapham Technical Press

Perl School is a publishing company that helps Perl developers write and publish ebooks about Perl. I’m just in the process of expanding those ideas to cover other technologies at Clapham Technical Press.


Perlanet is a tool that aggregates web feeds to create web sites. Sites like this were really popular fifteen years ago (ask your parents :-)). We used to call them “planets” (after the apparently now defunct Python software that started the trend). I also run The Planetarium which showcases some of the planets that I’ve built (and didn’t my life get easier when I worked out how to use GitHub Actions to automate building those sites on a schedule).

Tower Bridge Data

I got annoyed by the fact that information about when Tower Bridge was going to lift wasn’t easily available in machine-readable format. So I made a site which did just that.

CPAN Dashboard

CPAN is a site where Perl programmers can download thousands of extension libraries to add into their projects. My CPAN Dashboard allows the authors of those extensions to monitor the various Continuous Integration services that they use. For example, here’s my dashboard.

Apollo 11 at 50

@apollo11at50 is a Twitterbot which retweeted the Apollo 11 mission timeline in real time (timeshifted by fifty years) in July and August 2019.

BBC Radio Streams

Many years ago the BBC Radio Streams project scraped a lot of data from the BBC Radio web site, extracting information about radio streams and presented them in a way that was more useful for many users.

This project was closed down once the Radio iPlayer (and now the BBC Sounds app) made accessing the content far easier for most users.